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SEO tactics

Avoid These 7 Easy But Stupid SEO Tactics

Some recommendations in the realm of SEO can be so misguided that they ultimately harm your SEO performance in the long run. Here are seven ill-advised SEO tactics that you should steer clear of.

There is a plethora of online content and individuals advocating for “quick SEO fixes.” A rapid search on Google for “SEO tactics” yields approximately 14,100,000 results in less than a second.

However, experience has shown us over the past few decades that not everything found online should be taken at face value.

Regardless of their origins, here’s a compilation of seven such misguided SEO tactics to avoid, as they can seriously undermine your long-term SEO effectiveness.

1. Cookie-Cutter SEO Approach

I define “cookie-cutter SEO” as the practice where an individual or agency applies identical tactics to every client without any customization.

Many large-scale SEO agencies employ this approach for their small and medium-sized business (SMB) clientele due to its ease of management.

Typically, after the initial round of on-page optimizations, the standard tactics involve blogging and purchasing backlinks.

However, just because it’s convenient doesn’t necessarily mean it’s optimal. While this approach may yield results in the short term, unless facing minimal competition, the website is likely to encounter a growth plateau.

What You Should Do Instead
SEO strategy

SEO Tactics

Rather than adhering strictly to a routine “task-based” approach, prioritize discovering unique methods to provide value to your website’s audience.

Examine the top-ranking content of your competitors and analyze their content strategy. Compile a comprehensive list of your competitors’ strategies and identify any content gaps that exist.

Seize upon these opportunities and ensure that your content is tailored to meet the needs of your audience at each stage of their purchasing journey.

While the ongoing research and content creation process may require more time, it will ultimately yield greater rewards.

An additional benefit is that this approach demonstrates to your stakeholders that you are genuinely invested in their success.

2. Avoiding Blame for Performance Declines Solely on Algorithm Updates (Without Substantiating Evidence)

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Performance downturns can occur abruptly and frequently, akin to algorithm updates, depending on the website’s circumstances.

In today’s landscape, algorithm updates are so frequent that it’s tempting to attribute drops in rankings and organic traffic solely to Google’s actions.

While this may occasionally be the case, more often than not, performance declines can stem from various other factors.

Did Google Detect New Technical Issues?

Technical issues frequently contribute to declines in a site’s performance, often resulting from inadvertent updates made by site administrators.

Investigate this possibility by examining the following areas:

Review the coverage report in Google Search Console.

Conduct a crawl using tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb to identify structural changes and crawl issues.

Utilize an automated audit within your preferred SEO tool to uncover any hidden errors.

Check the robots.txt file for any new disallow directives.

Perform a fetch and render to observe how Google renders your site.

Significant Content Changes

Substantial alterations to content can also lead to significant fluctuations in rankings. Websites like e-commerce platforms frequently update their content.

If your site experiences a decline in organic traffic or rankings despite infrequent content updates, investigate whether unexpected changes were made by clients or other site administrators.

Methods for investigating site changes include:

Utilize the Changes tool in the Wayback Machine.

Install an activity log plugin to monitor site changes.

Analyze the pages in Google Analytics that experienced the greatest decline.

3. Duplicating Location Page Content

Crafting unique content for location pages on expansive websites with numerous locations can be a daunting and time-intensive task.

While it might appear convenient to simply replicate the same content across all location pages, I strongly discourage this approach.

Optimal local ranking outcomes are achievable by prioritizing unique content for each location page.

Refer to my location page checklist for insights on crafting top-notch location pages.

4. Employing Automated Auditing Tools in Organic Strategy Development

Relying solely on automated tools might not be the most effective approach to drive your organic strategy forward.

Many novice SEO professionals often conduct their initial SEO audits using automated tools and base their overarching SEO strategy on these findings.

Stupid SEO Tactics

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What to Do Instead:

Invest in tools like Screaming Frog or Sitebulb and develop a comprehensive understanding of how to assess a site holistically.

Utilize visualization tools to scrutinize the structural aspects of a site.

Identify opportunities for addressing content gaps and ensure the technical framework is robust.

A clean technical foundation facilitates search engines in discovering, crawling, and rendering your webpages effectively.

5.Purchasing Links

While the focus of this article is on white hat tactics, it’s worth mentioning a grey hat approach to link building, which involves paying link-building companies for guaranteed links.

This method can ensure a specific number of backlinks for your clients each month.

However, the quality and relevance of these links are often lacking. Click here for further information

What to Do Instead:

Link building often exhibits a snowball effect.

Securing links from reputable publications may attract attention from other writers who may link to your content in their own articles.

However, this organic growth is less likely with smaller domain authority (DA) backlinks.

I suggest investing in PR partners to assist in crafting content and securing features in prominent publications.

These larger platforms typically have a higher potential for organically expanding your backlink profile through the snowball effect.

6. Hesitating to Seek Clarification

It’s commonplace to resort to searching for answers to your queries, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that approach.

However, when confronting strategic challenges or addressing specific issues, Google might not always yield the most accurate solutions.

It’s perfectly acceptable to seek assistance from your peers. Even seasoned professionals frequently engage in polls and seek advice on platforms like Twitter. There’s absolutely no shame in reaching out for help.

In fact, it’s strongly encouraged!

No reputable SEO expert will ridicule you for seeking clarification on a topic.

We all undergo the learning process in various ways.

If you still feel hesitant, consider reaching out to Search Engine Journal’s Ask an SEO column to anonymously pose your questions. This not only provides you with answers but also allows others to benefit from the shared knowledge.

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7. Overlooking Additional Components of SEO

Traditionally, SEO professionals recognize three fundamental pillars: content, link building, and technical aspects.

However, I advocate for including “local SEO” as a fourth pillar because it integrates elements from all three pillars in a unique manner.

Neglecting any of these pillars for an extended period can either slow down the improvement of your rankings or hinder them altogether.

For instance, if your initial audits reveal numerous technical issues, you might be tempted to prioritize resolving them and dedicate all your efforts to this task.

Whenever feasible, strive to allocate resources to address each aspect of SEO concurrently.

If you solely focus on rectifying technical issues or conducting link outreach without enhancing your content, your rankings may not progress as intended.

Now, it’s true that certain SEO tactics may yield results for specific websites temporarily. However, it’s crucial to recognize that the broader landscape of SEO is far more intricate than what these simplistic techniques encompass.

Avoid getting sidetracked by such tactics and remain committed to achieving sustainable, enduring outcomes.

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