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Digital Video

Why And How Local Businesses Should Use Video In Their Digital Marketing

Delve into the undeniable impact of digital marketing video content and its pivotal role in modern marketing strategies. Platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok have emerged as dominant forces, catering heavily to video-centric content. These platforms, along with various streaming services, have supplanted traditional sources of entertainment and information for younger demographics, sparking discussions about their potential as the next search engines.

Concurrently, video marketing has surged in popularity, recognized by many marketers as a paramount method for audience engagement. Despite this, local businesses and their owners exhibit a hesitancy to fully embrace video marketing, perhaps due to constraints like time and resources or a fear of producing less-than-perfect content. However, authenticity reigns supreme in video marketing, rendering perfection unnecessary—a crucial point to be discussed further.

So, why the emphasis on Digital video?

Before delving into the specifics of what type of video content local business owners might consider creating, it’s essential to understand the profound impact video has had on modern marketing strategies.

Video’s innate characteristics make it highly consumable and visually engaging, rendering it an entertaining content format by nature. Its engaging nature also facilitates easy sharing across social media and other platforms, thus amplifying the reach of your marketing efforts.

Creating video content has become increasingly accessible, with the simplicity of turning on a phone camera and communicating your message effectively. This versatility allows videos to be shared across various platforms and seamlessly integrated into other content formats like web pages and blogs, enhancing their appeal.

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Moreover, in a landscape where many small business owners are hesitant to embrace video marketing, utilizing video can serve as a powerful differentiator, setting businesses apart from competitors.

The integration of video, particularly on YouTube, into Google’s organic search results underscores its significance, given Google’s ownership of YouTube. Additionally, with YouTube functioning as a search engine in its own right, optimizing videos for search visibility becomes imperative.

Furthermore, video content offers authenticity and provides a platform for business owners to showcase their expertise, aligning with Google’s E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) criteria, which significantly influences organic search rankings.

In essence, video content delivers multifaceted benefits for those willing to explore and experiment with its potential.

Now, For The How

After establishing the significance of video content in the marketing landscape, the natural question arises: “What types of videos should I create?”

The answer to this question is multifaceted, as with any marketing decision. Factors such as the nature of your business, the products or services you offer, your target audience, budget constraints, and creativity all come into play.

However, one aspect that should not be a source of worry is the relative quality of your videos. Gone are the days when videos needed to be meticulously directed, produced, or polished. In today’s landscape, authenticity often trumps production value, especially for younger audiences.

Don’t hesitate to start with simple, low-budget video messages that introduce your audience to your business and offerings. Taking this initial step can be incredibly valuable. Here are a few types of videos that might resonate with your local business and customer base.

Service or Product Overviews

Why You Should Start Using Video in Your Marketing Strategy? Video provides an excellent platform for service or product-based businesses to showcase and explain their unique offerings effortlessly.

For instance, a landscaping company could produce walk-through videos showcasing lawns, gardens, or patios they’ve transformed, while a medical spa owner might demonstrate the effectiveness of the latest skin-tightening treatment.

Featuring satisfied customers in these videos and offering authentic testimonials can significantly build trust with your audience prompt the sharing of your content across various channels, and support their local service providers. Since the onset of the pandemic, there has been a notable increase in consumers willing to use social media or others.

Promotional Digital Marketing Videos

Video content seamlessly aligns with brand advertising efforts.

While many local business owners may be accustomed to running TV or radio ads, digital marketing video platforms offer endless opportunities for creativity.

Take pleasure in crafting your own commercials, integrating customers, staff, or pertinent business partners.

Let your imagination run wild as you develop engaging promotions for your services, products, or special events.

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Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials are among the most potent forms of video content available. A positive client review serves as a glowing stamp of approval on you and your business, constituting a form of user-generated content (UGC) that is highly favored on social media platforms. While the impact of online reviews for local businesses is widely acknowledged, the acquisition, publication, and dissemination of genuine video testimonials elevate your credibility to new heights. Consumers tend to favor businesses they trust, often turning to reviews and testimonials as their validation.

How to Videos

Certain businesses find that producing informative how-to videos aligns seamlessly with the nature of their services. Take, for instance, a plumbing company that crafts and disseminates a video via their website or social media platforms, offering guidance on preventing clogged or frozen pipes at no cost. Consequently, when viewers encounter such issues, the company remains easily accessible with just a click or call. Moreover, these instructional videos serve as a means of showcasing the company’s expertise, a quality that Google highly values.

Ask Me Anything or FAQs

Similar to how-to guides, video content serves as an effective means of addressing your customers’ frequently asked questions or those of utmost importance, occasionally integrating brief demonstrations or pertinent visuals for better comprehension.

Furthermore, by recording a video, you can circumvent the need to repeatedly respond to the same or similar inquiries. Additionally, involving your audience by inviting them to pose questions allows for greater engagement, with you or appropriate staff members delivering the answers.

Short video FAQs complement written FAQs on your website, bolstering your digital marketing SEO strategy by providing substantive content that naturally enhances your authority.

Digital Marketing

Video Optimization

Digital videos, akin to any other content, can undergo optimization for enhanced organic search visibility. When producing, releasing, and distributing these videos, consider the following:

Integrate pertinent keywords into the video filename, followed by the title, description, and hashtags, depending on the hosting or sharing platform.

Place a call to action and link to a related product or service page near the beginning of your video description on YouTube, ensuring easy visibility and access.

Incorporate calls to action and embed links to relevant website products, services, event pages, or other related videos within content posted on platforms like YouTube, Instagram Stories, or others.

A quick tip regarding video length: simplicity is key.

Videos, akin to images, convey a wealth of information, recognizing the limited attention spans of today’s consumers, particularly among younger demographics.

Ideally, aim for videos to span one to three minutes, with shorter durations yielding optimal engagement.

However, platforms like TikTok often feature videos under 30 seconds, while YouTube’s “Shorts” are limited to 60 seconds.

Moreover, YouTube’s ranking algorithm considers engagement time, emphasizing the importance of viewers consuming videos in their entirety. Thus, strive to maintain viewer engagement from start to finish.

And — Action!

Considering the vast potential, are you prepared to commence the creation and sharing of videos? As mentioned, the accessibility and favored authenticity of mobile device-produced videos allow nearly all local business proprietors to swiftly harness this influential medium.

Incorporating video into a local business’s digital marketing blueprint isn’t merely a passing fad; it’s imperative.

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Video content empowers businesses to convey their message with greater efficacy, forge personal connections with the local audience, and distinguish themselves amidst a crowded digital marketing arena.

Your initial move, akin to any marketing endeavor, should involve understanding your audience and their video preferences across various platforms.

Subsequently, dive into recording, optimizing for search, sharing, and observing audience responses to determine what resonates.

By infusing creativity and authenticity, you’ll distinguish both yourself and your business.

So, seize your camera or smartphone, embark on brainstorming inventive concepts, and let the potency of video propel your local business onward.

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